Year of Discovery: Exploring Future Careers


 Every school year, we have a new theme at Newlands Primary. The 2023-24 school year theme is Year of Discovery: Exploring Future Careers.

The objective is to introduce children to a world of work programme that highlights various future job opportunities. This programme aims to raise aspirations, broaden possibilities for a successful life, open up opportunities, and provide children with a strong motivation for learning. Through a range of engaging activities such as visitor assemblies, recorded interviews, displays, and in-class discussions, we aim to inspire and captivate children’s imaginations while showcasing different careers.

Key Components:
1. Visitor Assemblies:
2. Recorded Interviews
3. Displays
4. In-Class Discussions

Expected Outcomes:
1. Raised Aspirations
2. Widened Possibilities
3. Increased Motivation
4. Opened Opportunities

The "Year of Discovery: Exploring Future Careers" programme at Newlands Primary aims to inspire and engage children, raising their aspirations, widening possibilities, and providing them with a strong motivation for learning. By incorporating visitor assemblies, recorded interviews, displays, and in-class discussions, we will create an immersive and dynamic learning environment that fosters a lifelong love for exploration and personal growth.