At Newlands, we take seriously our responsibility to safeguard children.  Our safeguarding team is made up of: Mrs Prince (Head Teacher), Miss Hawke (Deputy Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Greendale (Learning Mentor), Ms Goodwin (Teacher in Charge - Integrated Communication Resource) Ms Saxton (Integrated Communication Resource Manager), Miss Newton (PSHE Subject Leader) and Miss Alderson (Attendance Officer).  

However, if you have any concerns reguarding your own circumstances or worries about others, you can speak to ANY member of staff in school who will always listen.  They will pass your concerns onto the safeguarding team who will offer a listening ear, advice or take action to support.  Your welfare and that of your children is our top priority. 

Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Helen Tonks. 

Safeguarding Team

Mrs T Prince, Headteacher


Miss M Hawke, Deputy Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)


Mrs D Greendale, Learning Mentor

Deputy DSL

Miss J Goodwin, Teacher in Charge of Communication Resource

Deputy DSL & Lead DSL in Communication Resource

Miss G Alderson, Attendance Officer/Safeguarding Admin

Deputy DSL

Miss K Saxton, Communication Resource

Deputy DSL


Mrs K Leung, School Business Manager

Single Central Record Manager

Mrs H Tonks, Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor

If you are really worried about a child remember you can: 

Call social care direct on 0345 850 3503 if you are worried that a child is being neglected, abused, or mistreated. 

If you are worried that a child is in immediate danger, please call 999 and speak to the Police.  

"Keeping Children Safe in Education” (2024) makes clear the legal duty of the school to keep children safe.  

Newlands Primary School is committed to its legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, protect them from harm and ensure their wellbeing, and expects the whole school community to share in this commitment.

Everyone employed at  Newlands Primary School  has a responsibility to keep children safe and we understand that every child has the right to feel safe and protected at all times. We have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the pupils in our charge, and we will carry out this duty through our curriculum, emotional support, personal development and wider school activities.

We hope that both parents and children will feel free to talk about any concerns and will see school as a safe place to discuss any difficulties. With this in mind, Miss M Hawke is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Greendale is our Learning mentor.  If you have any concerns regarding the safety of any child in school please don’t hesitate to contact school 01924 302585 and ask for any member of the safeguarding team.  


We have a collection of school policies designed to keep children safe and educate them in how to make safe choices.  Please see links to these policies below 


NPS Safeguarding policy can be found here:

Newlands Primary School Safeguarding Policy 

Linked Policies & other safeguarding documents:

Staff Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use of IT and Devices in School

Newlands Primary Visitor's Safeguarding Information Leaflet

Working Together to Safeguard Children


Future in Mind (CAMHS)

Click on the link below to find out more about how Future in Mind (FIM) can support your child at Newlands. 

Future in Mind information for parents


Operation Encompass


What does Operation Encompass do?


Mental Health Support

Anyone can experience mental ill health at any time in their life.  This could be long or short term and may result from a stressful time, such as the loss of a job, financial hardship, housing, breavement, physical illness or relationship breakdown. 

Being a parent or carer can be difficult if you or your child's mental health is suffering.  It is important that you seek help as soon as possible.  At Newlands, were are here to support you and your family.  In addition, there are a number of other services that you can access.  These can be found by following the link below. 

Mental Health Advice for Parents and Carers.

Team Around the School

'Team Around’ approach brings together a team of professionals that will work together with you to identify and offer early help and support. The Team Around the School (TAS) can support with concerns on behaviour, school attendance, or emotional health and wellbeing. You can ask for early help from your child’s school and request a ‘Team Around’ meeting.

Wakefield Domestic Abuse Service (WADDAS)


ICON is a charity that support parents with young children. 


click on the link to find out more about ICON


Team Around The School Parents Information Leaflet


The Wakefield Safeguarding Children's Partnership as a huge amount of information and support for both professionals and parents.


This is a website resource for children and  young people that supports self esteem and good mental health.  Please click on the link below 




Information and support for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilites is found on the Wakefield Local Offer site.  

Please click on the link below. 

My Local Offer