At Newlands, we have a secure filtering and monitoring system for all access to online materials.  Possible harmful content is filtered and so not accessible to children.  The Headteacher (for adults) and the Designated Safeguarding Lead (for children) receive 'real-time' reports if someone attempts to access blocked or filtered materials.  These incidents area recorded and followed up immediately.

Online Safety

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors

Find help here: CEOP Safety Centre


In the ever changing world of online communication, it is more important than ever that we are proactive in keeping our children safe. As you will know, there is a huge amount of inappropriate content available on the internet which children must be protected from accessing. 

Most children in the UK now have access to social media sites such as Facebook and Snapchat via tablets, lap-tops and Smart-phones. In recent years there has been a huge rise in 'cyber-bullying', where children are sent abusive messages or texts. Furthermore, it is difficult to be certain when children are online that the people they are speaking to are who they say they are.

It is important that you use security filters for your internet browsers at home and take care to monitor your child's internet use. It is not adviseable to leave children alone to access the internet for long periods without supervision. If you do allow your child to have social media accounts, please be aware that the age limit for these accounts is often older than the age of primary children. Discuss eSafety with your children and take the time to help them set their privacy settings high. Ensure they are only connected to people they know in 'real life'.


Online Safety forms part of our overall safeguarding duty of care.  You can find out more about safeguarding at Newlands here:  Newlands Primary Safeguarding

Guides and Resources for Parents and Carer in keeping your family safe online.

Click here: Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre


 We have been sharing a number of Parent Guides created by National Online Safety at

Here are some of the guides you may find helpful in keeping your child safe online:


               Roblox                                                                                          SnapChat                                                                                   TikTok



                 Fortnite                                                                                     In-Game Chat                                               Using and Reviewing Parental Controls   

 More Parent Guides from  National Online Safety can be found here:


Building Cyber Reslience at Home

New Devices

Social Media & Mental Health


Free Online Safety Course for Parents:


These websites may help you to learn more about eSafety and the dangers of inappropriate internet use.

Lots of useful advice for parents on a range of issues including cyber bullying, online reputations and online grooming. There is also a link to a useful ‘guide for parents’.

 Useful articles on a range of current Esafty issues and new apps and websites including Minecraft, Snapchat and ooVoo. New articles are added regularly.

The official site of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). The site has advice and useful information and a link for reporting online abuse, exploitation or inappropriate images.

More links and advice for parents and children including resources linked to Safer Internet day which we mark in school each year.

 NSPCCs own website with lots of safety advice including videoas to watch with your children and a link to their work with o2.

 Lots of e-safety advice including a section specifically for preschool and primary.

 Tips for autistic children at Christmas;

NSPCC how to set parental controls;

Choosing the right console game for your child

O2 Parent Online Support

Internet Safety for Kids | O2

Useful Links for Children

 Safety Online for 5-7 year olds

Safety Online for 8-10 year olds


Other websites: