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Toddlers and Older Children
There are many benefits of sleeping well. Sleep is vitally important for good physical, mental and emotional health as well as crucial for memory, learning and growth.
However, we know that some families struggle with their children getting a good night's sleep.
Here’s a few tips on how to get a good quality sleep on a night:
- Change the way you wind down at bedtime – experiment with new ways to relax like warm baths with calming scents, quiet soothing music, reading, gentle stretching and yoga.
- Avoid using technology before bed as it stimulates the brain making it harder for you to switch off
- Establish a regular sleep pattern if you can. Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time- even on a weekend. Our bodies and minds will feel much better for it.
- Keep your bedroom for rest and sleep. It should be neither too hot, nor too cold- an ideally bedroom temperature is 17 degrees; and as quiet and dark as possible. Make sure the room is gadget free and your bed is comfortable.
- Avoid caffeine after lunch time.
- Certain foods are known to calm the brain and help promote sleep. Avoid eating a big meal and spicy food just before bedtime as it can lead to discomfort and indigestion, but a small snack may be helpful for some. The best bedtime snack is one that contains complex carbohydrates and protein and perhaps some calcium – which is why dairy products (yoghurt, milk) are top sleep-inducing foods.
- Spend time outside during the day, especially on a morning (This will help to set your body clock).
You can find some more helpful information in these leaflets:
The Goodnight Sleep Guide for Children
Sleepy Foods

The Sleep Charity
A FREE helpline is run by trained sleep advisors, many of whom are specialists in working with SEND. We can talk to young people directly, or parents (we can also talk to adults, including older people, about their sleep issues).
The helpline is open 5 times a week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings 7-9pm, and Wednesday mornings 9-11am. The number is 03303 530 541.