School Attendance and Attendance Stars



School Attendance Policy


Why it's important for children to attend school?

It's important children attend school because:

  • attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them
  • achieving at school builds a child’s self-esteem, as well as enhancing their future prospects
  • attending school and being part of the school’s community gives a child a sense of belonging and promotes their social development
  • spending time with school staff teaches a child about society’s expectations with regards to behaviour and how to communicate with people in authority preparing them for adult life
  • attending school gives a child the opportunity to experience positive separation from their parent(s)/carer(s), which builds their confidence and resistance.

Good attendance

Although an exam mark of 90% is very good, when looking at school attendance 90% equates to half a day absence per week. This in turn equates to 4 weeks absence in an academic year. If a child persistently had 90% attendance over the course of their education they would have been absent for a whole year of their education.

The school target for attendance is 95% for the school year.

Last year the school attendance was only 91%.

That equates to approximately 9,725 days of lost learning across the school.

This averages as 36 days of lost learning per child or 7 weeks of lost learning per child.

Attendance Stars

This year we will be handing out Class Attendance Stars for each week.

If a class has an attendance rate of 99%-95% the class will get a 50p star.

If a class has an attendance rate of 100%, the class will get a £10 star.

Money is accumulated through the year by the class to fund a special end of school year party for their class. The more money they accumulate, the more they can have at their party.


Attendance Stars for:

Week of 5th September: Cardiff- 96%, London - 96.7 % and Cambridge Class- 100%!!!!!

School Attendance and Attendance Stars



School Attendance Policy


Why it's important for children to attend school?

It's important children attend school because:

  • attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them
  • achieving at school builds a child’s self-esteem, as well as enhancing their future prospects
  • attending school and being part of the school’s community gives a child a sense of belonging and promotes their social development
  • spending time with school staff teaches a child about society’s expectations with regards to behaviour and how to communicate with people in authority preparing them for adult life
  • attending school gives a child the opportunity to experience positive separation from their parent(s)/carer(s), which builds their confidence and resistance.

Good attendance

Although an exam mark of 90% is very good, when looking at school attendance 90% equates to half a day absence per week. This in turn equates to 4 weeks absence in an academic year. If a child persistently had 90% attendance over the course of their education they would have been absent for a whole year of their education.

The school target for attendance is 95% for the school year.

Last year the school attendance was only 91%.

That equates to approximately 9,725 days of lost learning across the school.

This averages as 36 days of lost learning per child or 7 weeks of lost learning per child.

Attendance Stars

This year we will be handing out Class Attendance Stars for each week.

If a class has an attendance rate of 99%-95% the class will get a 50p star.

If a class has an attendance rate of 100%, the class will get a £10 star.

Money is accumulated through the year by the class to fund a special end of school year party for their class. The more money they accumulate, the more they can have at their party.


Attendance Stars for:

Week of 5th September: Cardiff- 96%, London - 96.7 % and Cambridge Class- 100%!!!!!

School Attendance and Attendance Stars



School Attendance Policy


Why it's important for children to attend school?

It's important children attend school because:

  • attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them
  • achieving at school builds a child’s self-esteem, as well as enhancing their future prospects
  • attending school and being part of the school’s community gives a child a sense of belonging and promotes their social development
  • spending time with school staff teaches a child about society’s expectations with regards to behaviour and how to communicate with people in authority preparing them for adult life
  • attending school gives a child the opportunity to experience positive separation from their parent(s)/carer(s), which builds their confidence and resistance.

Good attendance

Although an exam mark of 90% is very good, when looking at school attendance 90% equates to half a day absence per week. This in turn equates to 4 weeks absence in an academic year. If a child persistently had 90% attendance over the course of their education they would have been absent for a whole year of their education.

The school target for attendance is 95% for the school year.

Last year the school attendance was only 91%.

That equates to approximately 9,725 days of lost learning across the school.

This averages as 36 days of lost learning per child or 7 weeks of lost learning per child.

Attendance Stars

This year we will be handing out Class Attendance Stars for each week.

If a class has an attendance rate of 99%-95% the class will get a 50p star.

If a class has an attendance rate of 100%, the class will get a £10 star.

Money is accumulated through the year by the class to fund a special end of school year party for their class. The more money they accumulate, the more they can have at their party.


Attendance Stars for:

Week of 5th September: Cardiff- 96%, London - 96.7 % and Cambridge Class- 100%!!!!!